Design Technology (dual) (KTD)

Competence for modern product development processes

Design technology is usually understood as a superordinate term for all areas of design, development, working methods in design and the results of these areas. Design technology, as an area of engineering sciences, examines the process of designing technical structures as well as general structural laws of technical systems and the transfer of this knowledge into the practical activities of designers.


Brief overview

  • Degree

    Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)

  • Application Process By
    das Bewerbungsportal der Hochschule Hannover
  • Start of studies

    Winter semester

  • Form of study


  • Admissions procedure

    free admission

  • Field of interest
  • Pre-study internship

    Nicht erforderlich

Dual degree course

Linking higher education and in-company training

The degree course is linked with in-company and inter-company training. During the 1st first part of the degree course, students spend three days a week in company training and additionally during the lecture-free period. The knowledge required for successful completion of training at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) is imparted during training at the vocational school (BBS). The 1st part of the course ends after four semesters. At the same time, the training is completed with the IHK examination.

The 2nd part of the course consists of two semesters of full-time study, with periods of operation during the lecture-free period, in which university-supervised projects are carried out for the course. The final Bachelor's thesis in the 7th semester again takes place in the company.



Students are selected by the partner companies. The prerequisite for studying is therefore an additional training contract with one of these companies.

Future employment opportunities

Within a company, KTD engineers can work in a wide range of fields, although the majority of engineers still work in the areas of research, development and construction, sales, production and services. All of these areas are covered in the KTD degree course; despite their specialisation, graduates are true mechanical engineering all-rounders.

Typical fields of activity for graduates of the Bachelor's degree course in Design Technology (dual) include:

  • Design, research and development in various sectors, such as mechanical and system engineering, the automotive industry, the metalworking industry, engineering offices or in the public sector;
  • Project planning and design of products, machines and systems;
  • Production equipment and fixture construction as well as production planning;
  • Team and project management in design and product development;
  • Consultancy and training on CAD/CAE tools and computer-aided product development.

Further information

Contact persons

Course Director

Non-Public Person